Indonesia lolos ke semifinal dengan hasil yang sempurna, Indonesia berhasil mengalahkan Malaysia (5-1), Laos (6-0),  dan juga musuh bebuyutan Thailand (2-1). Disemifinal nanti Indonesia akan bertemu dengan si anak baru Filipina. Memang  Filipina baru lolos ke semifinal untuk pertama kali tapi  skuad filipina telah berubah total, Filipina kini mendapat suntikan tenaga baru dengan adanya 9 pemain naturalisasi. Filipina bukan lagi negara yang sedang belajar sepakbola, mereka berhasil menaklukan sang juara bertahan Vietnam dengan skor 2-0.

Secara teknis filipina berada diatas Indonesia, pemain-pemain Filipina memiliki kualitas individu diatas pemain Indonesia, dan juga mereka memilki disiplin dan ketenangan saat berada dilapangan. satu yang menjadi kelemahan Filipina, jika dilihat dari pertandingan-pertandingan mereka, mereka tidak tahu dengan baik sepak bola dikawasan Asia Tenggara.  Dan hal lain yang menjadi keuntungan bagi Indonesia, kedua laga semifinal akan dilaksanaka di Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan karana adanya masalah internal di FFP (PSSI-nya Filipina).

Indonesia kini juga memiliki Christian Gonzalez pemain naturalisasi asal Uruguay yang telah menanamkan mental juara pada para pemain Indonesia,  juga memiliki Irfan Bachdim pemain yang memiliki keserdasan sangat bagus. sayangnya permainan Indonesia dari pertandingan pertama hingga ketiga justru malah semakin menurun. para pemain kita massih terlalu terburu mengumpan ke depan dengan umpan2 panjang. Saat sudah unggul pemain kita cenderung memainkan sepakbola yang monoton. 

Semoga Indonesia Bisa mengalahkan Filipina,..................Amiiiiin.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Inggit Sugiharti

Verse 1:

turn around
C                        F
turn around and fix your eye in my direction
so there is a connection
i can speak
C                             F   
i can make a sound to somehow capture your attention
     F                  Dm
i'm staring at perfection
take a look at me so you can see


C                   G
you call me a stranger
you say i'm a danger
                        F          G         C
but all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
i'm broken and bended
you are an angel
              F            G
making all my dreams come true tonight


verse 2:

i'm confident
but i can't pretend
i wasn't terrified to meet you
i knew you could see right through me
i saw my light flash right before my very eyes
and i need just what we turn into
F                          Dm
i was hoping that you could see
take a look at me so you can see

(repeat chorus)

F        G      F
you are an angel
making all my dreams come true tonight

C                                                  F
take a look at me so you can see how beautiful you are...
                     G                               C
take a look at me so you can see how beautiful you are... (2x)

C                    G
your beauty seems so far away
             F                                  G         
i'll have to write a thousand songs to make you comprehend
how beautiful you are
i know that i can't make you stay
but i will give my final breath
to make you understand
how beautiful you are
understand how beautiful you are..

repeat chorus

C                   G
you call me a stranger..

you say i'm a danger
C                  G - F - G  
you call me a stranger..

Standard tuning

                  E       Am
   You close your eyes
                              E      Am
   And leave me naked by your side
   You close the door so I can't see,
   the love you keep inside
                         Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A
   The love you keep for me

               E     Am
   It fills me up
                            E      Am
   It feel like living in a dream
   It fills me up so I can't see
   The love you keep inside
                         Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A
   The love you keep for me

     C#m                     A
   I stay to watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
      Cdim7            C#m
   It gives me time to stay
   To watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
     Ab                 Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A
   I wish by god you`ll stay

          E     Am
   I stay awake
                              E        Am
   I stay awake and watch you breathe
   I stay awake and watch you fly,
   away into the night
                       Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A
   Eascaping through a dream

     C#m                     A
   I stay to watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
      Cdim7            C#m
   It gives me time to stay
   To watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
     Ab                 Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)
   I wish by god you`ll stay

   Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)

   Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)

   Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)

     C#m                     A
   I stay to watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
      Cdim7            C#m
   It gives me time to stay
   To watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
      Ab               C#m
   It gives me time to stay
   To watch you fade away
   I dream of you tonight
   Tomorrow you`ll be gone
     Ab                 Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)
   I wish by god you`ll stay
         Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)
         Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)
         Asus2   A5(add Eb)   A    A5(add Eb)
   E   Am               E
   I wish by god you`ll stay...

MODEL JEMBATAN BENTANG PANJANG. Prediksi keadaan tak-stabil struktur jembatan bentang
panjang, biasa dilakukan dengan uji terowongan angin, di mana aspek aerodinamika dan aeroelastik
struktur dapat diuji menggunakan model 2 dimensi atau 3 dimensi. Dalam eksperimen model jembatan 2
dimensi, selain model fisik di terowongan angin, model matematika sistem pengujian juga harus
dirumuskan. Model matematika ini memiliki sejumlah koefisien aerodinamika yang pada awalnya belum
diketahui, yakni baru dapat ditentukan setelah diperoleh data eksperimen. Dengan kata lain, proses
penentuan koefisien aerodinamika adalah bagian dari sistem identifikasi parameter persamaan aeroelastik
untuk prediksi keadaan kritis struktur jembatan. Makalah ini akan menguraikan proses pengembangan
software tools untuk ekstraksi koefisien aerodinamika dari data eksperimen model seksional (2 dimensi)
jembatan di terowongan angin ILST (Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel).
Katakunci: jembatan bentang panjang, uji terowongan angin
COEFFICIENTS OF A LONG-SPAN BRIDGE MODEL. Prediction of structural instability of a
long-span bridge is usually conducted in a wind tunnel test, where the aerodynamic as well as aeroelastic
aspect of the structure can be tested by means of 2 or 3 dimensional model. In a 2 dimensional model,
inspite of testing the physical model, a mathematical model should also be constructed. Initially, this
mathematical model has unknown parameters that must be determined from experimental data. In other
words, the determination of aerodynamic coefficients is part of system identification of aeroelastic
equations for predicting the critical margin of the bridge structure. The following paper will describe the
development of a software tool for extracting the aerodynamic coefficients of a sectional model test (2
dimensional) in the ILST (Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel).
Keywords: long span bridge, wind tunnel test
Jembatan bentang panjang dalam beberapa hal memiliki karakteristik yang
sama dengan sayap pesawat terbang. Struktur jembatan mirip batang bertumpu
sederhana (simply supported beam), sedangkan sayap pesawat mirip cantilever beam.
Pada keadaan tertentu yang disebut kecepatan angin kritis, struktur jembatan
bentang panjang dapat mengalami keadaan tak-stabil, baik yang temporer
mengganggu, seperti resonansi oleh induksi aliran ulakan (vortex) yang berfluktuasi,
maupun yang fatal menghancurkan seperti flutter. Kondisi tak-stabil yang terjadi
akibat interaksi aerodinamika dengan inersia struktur tersebut, disebut aeroelastik.
Dengan demikian pada pembangunan jembatan bentang panjang, dalam proses
perancangannya memerlukan tahapan uji terowongan angin. Di mana dalam pengujian
tersebut akan dilakukan eksperimen untuk identifikasi aspek-aspek ketakstabilan
struktur akibat angin.
Uji terowongan angin dapat dilakukan dengan model 2 dimensi (disebut pula
model seksional) maupun pada model penuh (disebut pula full model), di mana
masing-masing metode pengujian memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahannya.
Model 2 dimensi pembuatannya lebih sederhana dan murah, namun
memerlukan proses pengolahan data yang intensif, karena memerlukan dukungan
model matematika, yang disebut persamaan aeroelastik. Model matematika ini
memiliki sejumlah koefisien aerodinamika yang harus diidentifikasikan berdasarkan
data pengujian, agar batas kritis ketak-stabilan dapat ditentukan.
Model 3 dimensi pembuatannya lebih sulit, lama dan mahal, namun tidak
memerlukan proses pengolahan data yang banyak. Hasil data terukur dapat langsung
ditransformasikan ke data teknik yang diinginkan, begitupula keadaan tak-stabil
struktur dapat diketahui langsung, dengan mengalirkan angin sampai struktur model
tersebut menunjukkan keadaan tak-stabil.
Dengan demikian model 2 dimensi sering digunakan untuk prediksi awal
karakteristik aeroelastik rancangan jembatan bentang panjang. Sedangkan model 3
dimensi digunakan untuk analisis akhir karakteristik aeroelastik strukturnya.
Untuk mempercepat proses pengolahan data uji 2 dimensi di ILST (Indonesian
Low Speed Tunnel), maka telah dikembangkan software tool khusus. Software ini
membaca input dari data osilasi model yang diukur akselerometer dan mengeluarkan
data koefisien-koeffisen aerodinamika yang diperlukan.
Secara skema struktur model 2 dimensi jembatan di terowongan angin
ditunjukkan di Gambar 1 dan gambaran pengujiannya ditunjukkan di Gambar 2.
Model disangga oleh 8 pegas yang konstanta kekakuannya sama, sehingga ketika
diganggu atau mendapat aliran angin, model akan bergerak dalam 2 derajat kebebasan:
gerak heaving (osilasi vertikal) dan gerak torsi (osilasi rotasional). Transducer yang
digunakan adalah 2 akselerometer, dipasang di depan dan belakang tepi model dek,
sejajar arah angin, dengan demikian dapat diukur sekaligus data percepatan gerak
heaving (h&&) dan torsi (a&& ).
Untuk mendapatkan data pengukuran getaran bebas, model sesaat diganggu
(diberi defleksi dan dilepas) sehingga terjadi osilasi getaran bebas yang teredam. Jika
gangguan diberikan pada saat tidak ada angin (U = 0 m/sec) maka data frekuensi
maupun redaman yang diperoleh adalah data dinamika dari struktur saja (mechanical
natural properties). Namun jika gangguan diberikan pada saat ada aliran angin (U 0
m/sec) maka data frekuensi maupun redaman yang diperoleh merupakan gabungan
antara data dinamika struktur dan aerodinamika.
Data frekuensi osilasi (ù) dapat diekstraksi dari hasil FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform) sinyal akselerometer, sedangkan data redaman (ã) dapat diperoleh dari
data logarithmic decreement, ä (kemiringan kurva logarithmis dari amplitudo sinyal).
Gambar 1. Skema Sistem Model Seksional (2D)
Gambar 2. Contoh Model Uji Seksional di ILST
Jika z1 adalah amplitudo sinyal di posisi awal dan z2 adalah amplitudo sinyal
diposisi n perioda dari x1, maka besarnya logarithmic decreement [1],
÷ ÷ø
ç çè
ln 2
d (1)
dan hubungannya dengan rasio redaman æ, adalah,
4p2 d2
= (2)
Gambar 3. Data Osilasi dari Akselerometer
Persamaan curve-fit dari sinyal di atas dapat ditulis sebagai berikut,
y = y e-gw (w t +j) d
n sin (3)
di mana, y0 : percepatan awal
ùn : siklus frekuensi natural
ùd : siklus frekuensi teredam
t : waktu
ö : perbedaan fasa
Dengan integrasi tahap pertama pada persamaan (3) maka diperoleh kecepatan
(velocity) dan integrasi tahap kedua diperoleh perpindahan (displacement) osilasi
Jika masa total dari model adalah mT, momen inersia masa total adalah IT dan
kerapatan material udara adalah ñ, maka dapat dituliskan persamaan model
matematikanya dari sistem dinamik model seksional [2] :
( ) ú
+ + = + + +
k H k H
m h c h k h U b kH T h h
* 2
* 2
2 2
1 r q q
& &
&& & (4)
( ) ú
+ + = + + +
k A k A
I c k U b kA T
* 2
* 2
2 2 2
q q q r q q
& &
&& & (5)
di mana, ch, cq : masing-masing konstanta redaman untuk gerak heaving dan
kh, kq : masing-masing konstanta kekakuan untuk gerak heaving
dan torsional
U : kecepatan aliran udara di terowongan angin
k : frekuensi reduksi =
b : lebar dek (chord)
*, Ai
* (i=1,..4) : adalah koefisien aerodinamika yang akan
Jadi software tool AEROCO berfungsi menyelesaikan persamaan (4) dan (5)
untuk memperoleh koefisien aerodinamika Hi
*, Ai
* (i=1,..4), di mana data inputnya
adalah percepatan gerak osilasi heaving (h&&) dan torsi (a&& ) yang diukur oleh
Algoritma dimulai dengan mendefinisikan input dari seluruh proses, yakni data
akselerometer, kemudian curve fitting harus dilakukan sebelum data diproses lebih
lanjut. Demikian pula untuk mendapatkan kecepatan dan perpindahan di persamaan
(4) dan (5), proses integrasi terhadap waktu harus dilakukan.
Koefisien aerodinamika sistem model ( h&&, a&& ) diperoleh dengan merubah
persamaan (4) dan (5) menjadi persamaan ruang-keadaan (state -space equation) dan
menjadi persamaan simultan, sehingga dapat diselesaikan dengan metoda Crammer
atau eliminasi Gauss.
Seluruh proses tersebut di-iterasi dua tahap untuk mendapatkan hasil koefisien
aerodinamika gerak heaving dan torsional.
Baca data terukur dari akselerometer
i=1,2 (heaving, 1 dan torsi, 2)
Tentukan frekuensi dan redaman sinyal input
Curve fit sinyal input dengan y y e t d
gwnt sinw 0
&& = -
Integrasikan &y& menjadi kecepatan y& dan perpindahan y
Substitusikan &y& , y& dan y ke persamaan aeroelastik, persamaan (4) dan (5)
Transformasikan persamaan (4) dan (5) ke persamaan state-space
Selesaikan persamaan state space sehingga Hi
* atau Ai
* (i=1,..4) dapat
Plot hasil-hasilnya : kurva Hi
* dan Ai
* (i=1,..4) terhadap kecepatan U atau kecepatan
reduksi, 1/k =
Gambar 4. Peta Alir (algorithma) Software
Penerapan sistem software dilakukan terhadap model uji seperti ditunjukkan di
Gambar 2, di mana model tersebut merupakan penggalan 2 dimensi dari bentangan
tengah dek jembatan bentang panjang, jenis jembatan cancang atau jembatan gantung.
Gambar 5. Hasil Pengukuran Data Percepatan oleh Akselerometer
Gambar 6. Tipikal Hasil Pengolahan Data AEROCO
Perbandingan data percepatan yang terukur dengan hasil curve-fit persamaan (3)
ditunjukkan di Gambar 5, sedangkan tipikal hasil pengolahan data dengan software
tool ini ditunjukkan di Gambar 6.
Metoda pembuatan software tool yang diuraikan dalam makalah ini telah
dikembangkan dan diterapkan untuk pengujian model jembatan bentang panjang di
ILST. Hasilnya cukup memuaskan, namun software tool ini perlu dikembangan
menjadi lebih berkemampuan (powerfull). Antara lain akan dikembangkan untuk
mampu mengolah data pengujian model seksional yang memiliki 3 derajat kebebasan,
gerak vertikal (heaving), gerak rotational (torsion) dan gerak lateral (swaying).
Keberhasilan penggunaan software tool ini juga dipengaruhi oleh data input.
Untuk mendapatkan koefisien-koefisien aerodinamika langsung (direct coefficients)
yakni H1
*, H4
*, A2
* dan A3
* relatif mudah, karena data inputnya tidak ada kopling
antara heaving dan torsi, namun untuk koefisien-koefisien aerodinamika silang (cross
coefficients) yang menyatakan terjadinya kopling, perlu dilakukan kecermatan
khusus, bahkan proses pengukuran yang iterative. Dengan demikian software tool ini
akan sangat penting apabila dapat dikembangkan menjadi software on-line (mengolah
data selama pengukuran), sehingga pengambilan data yang salah dapat dihindari.
1. RAO, S.S., Mechanical Vibration, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company Inc., New York, 1995.
2. SIMIU, E. and SCANLAN, R.H., Wind Effects on Structures 3rd Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, 1996.
Apakah software tool ini telah dipasang di jembatan Suramadu karena kemarin
jembatan ini mengalami kecelakaan (roboh)?
Software AEROCO telah digunakan untuk uji model jembatan Suramadu. Kasus
robohnya dek jembatan Suramadu yang sedang dibangun bukan disebabkan angin.
Bagian yang mengalami kecelakaan adalah di approaching dek, kecelakaan mungkin
disebabkan material.
Cara memperoleh data eksperimen untuk menentukan koefisien aerodinamika apakah
dengan alat ukur atau juga menggunakan software AEROCO.
Software AEROCO menghitung koefisien aerodinamika jembatan dengan input data
dari pengukuran/eksperimen yang menggunakan alat ukur/transducer accelerometer.
1. Nama : Fariduzzaman
2. Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Cianjur, 17 Mei 1961
3. Instansi : UPT-LAGG, BPPT
4. Pekerjaan / Jabatan : Peneliti
5. Riwayat Pendidikan :
· 1986, S1 Fisika-ITB
· 1990, S2 Software Technology-THAMES POLY, UK
· S2 Teknik Penerbangan-ITB
6. Pengalaman Kerja :
· 1986-1999,Data Processing Engineer –ILST-BPPT
· 1999, Ka. Sub Bid Informatika-Elektronika, LAGG
· 2004-Sekarang,Industrial Aerodynamic Specialist



The main types of bridges are arches, beam bridges, cable-stayed bridges, cantilever bridges and suspension bridges. You will have noticed that this list does not include truss bridges. These are usually arches, beams or girders, or cantilevers, or they may be parts of bridges, for example the suspended span of a cantilever bridge, or the deck of a cable-stayed bridge or a suspension bridge. The phrase "truss bridge", however, is sometimes reserved for those which act primarily as beams, while the others are discussed under the heading of the bridges of which they form a part. You could say that a truss, like a box-girder or a pre-stressed span, is more a type of construction than a type of structure.
At various places in this Paper there are sections which explain that the boundaries between the various types of bridges are not completely impervious, and that in principle at least, bridges can be built that are not obviously in a simple category. The reason that the types of most bridges are obvious is that these types have become popular because they are successful, and success is greatest in the broad central regions of the available variable-space. For example, if you make an extremely flat suspension bridge, you could put the wires in a concrete matrix, and you would have a pre-stressed beam requiring no anchorages. The same is true of arches - an extremely flat arch would generate enormous thrust, and a beam would be a better solution.
The same difficulty applies to many other other human activities, and indeed of many natural groups of species: although there are many genera and species which tax the powers of biologists to classify them, the vast majority fall more easily into groups. On the other hand, where there are very many closely related species, there may be sporadic disputes between "lumpers" and "splitters"

1.      Intoduction
Bridge is one of the important things in life. in general, the bridge used to connect a separate path. usually the road is cut by rivers. but now the bridge is not only used to connect a road that was blocked by the river, however there is also a bridge connecting one island to another island.
there are several types of bridges including: Beam bridges, cable stayed bridges, truss bridges and suspension bridges. actually there are many types of bridges, but in this paper will only discuss the four types of bridges only. because it is basically another type bridge is a development of this bridge fourth.
course of each bridge has its pros and cons of each. and several bridges have also been built at a cost of more expensive than the other bridges.
 Bridges that have been established at this time is built using advanced technology, so the bridge is built is also more advanced course. bridge was originally built with a very simple example is only built of wood and tied together only by rattan. but the current bridge was built using concrete and steel and also has the appearance of a very beautiful.

2.      Purpose
Purpose of writing this paper is to:
2.3  To inform the people about the kinds of bridges
2.4  Explain the benefits and advantages of a bridge
2.5  To explain where the best bridge

3. KEY WORD: cable stayed , cantilever , beam, arch,
4. Type of Bridge
4.1 Arch Bridges
The essence of an arch is that ideally there should be no tendency for it to bend, except under live loads. It should be purely in compression, and for that reason it can be made of materials such as, masonry, cast iron and concrete, that perform poorly in tension. Of course, in a trussed arch there will be some tension members, but the main ones are always in compression. These main members are always much thicker than than the cross-members.  
On the other hand, in a deck-stiffened arch, the deck is much thicker than the arch, because the deck is resisting any tendency to bend or buckle, leaving the arch chord to resist pure compression. In such a bridge, the deck can be very much thinner than a simple beam across the gap, because its weight is supported by the arch, and the arch can be very much thinner than a simple arch, because it is stiffened by the beam.
These two types of arch are shown below. Picture:

In any structure, except a simple pier or column, it is impossible to have compression without tension. In the case of an arch, the tension is in the ground, which is therefore a member that costs nothing. If we take this argument further, it can prove that arch spans can be made longer than beam spans. Although the ground under an arch is in tension, the ground just outside the abutments is compressed by the thrust of the arch. Between the regions of tension and compression, the ground is subject to complicated mixtures of tension, compression and shear stresses.
Although an arch is generally not under stress to make it bend, it has curvature designed in, because it is in a gravitational field. The amount of curvature at any point is designed so that the whole thing is perfectly balanced, neither tending to increase the curvature or to decrease it. The ideal shape is called the funicular, the exact shape of which depends on the weight distribution, so the funicular is not necessarily a simple mathematical curve such as a circle or a parabola. The arch and the suspension bridge are generally closer to the funicular, or natural curve, than any other type. In this they imitate the path of projectiles, which also follow curved natural paths, and even light, which curves in a gravitational field. Nevertheless, although the cause, gravity, is the same for both arches and projectiles, the detailed reasons for the curvature are different. We must always beware of making false analogies, though similarities have on occasion been valuable in science and mathematics in finding solutions to problems.
Why must an arch be curved? If we consider any section of an arch, the forces comprise two distinct kinds - those pulling down (the weight of the section pulling down, and the load, if any) - and the forces from the sections on either side. In order to balance the downward forces, the forces from the side must not be exactly in line: the angle between them, repeated throughout the arch, is the reason for the curvature. A beam, because it is straight, cannot work like this - it has to balance the downward forces by means of shear stress.
In one sense, the arch is one of the simplest of all bridges, because if you build it against hard rock, you only need the arch, and no other parts. The rock acts as abutments, provided that you cut the rocks to the right shape so that they are at right angles to the arch. In practice, abutments would be used to spread the load so that the stresses in the ground would be safely small.
4.1.1 Advantages of arches
The entire arch is in compression. The compression is transferred into the abutments, and ultimately resisted by tension in the ground under the arch. The absence of tension in the arch means that it can sustain much greater spans than beams can achieve, and it can use materials that are not strong in tension, such as masonry and cast iron. In older times, before the advent of wrought iron, many cast iron arches were built, some of which are still in use. Relatively few arches are now built in masonry, and none are built in cast iron. Masonry is labour intensive, and for the shorter spans, over roads and railways, it is often cheaper and simpler to lift whole beams and cantilevers into position.
4.1.2 Disadvantages of arches
An arch cannot stand until it is complete. Therefore it must either rest on falsework (centring) until it is complete, or the two halves must be cantilevered from the springing, using cables. The cantilever method cannot be used for masonry arches or concrete arches. Clickt o see photographs of centring for the Nicholson bridge.
The thrust of a big arch has a horizontal component, which the abutments must withstand without significant movement. The pictures below show the results of movement.
4.2 Cable-Stayed Bridges
The cable-stayed bridge is related to the cantilever bridge.  The cables are in tension, and the deck is in compression.  The spans can be constructed as cantilevers until they are joined at the centre.  A big difference between cantilever bridges and cable-stayed bridges is that the former usually have a suspended span, and the latter do not.  
A cable stayed-bridge lacks the great rigidity of a trussed cantilever, and the continuous beam compensates for this to some extent.  Indeed, while a long cable-stayed span is under construction, there may be great concern about possible oscillations, until the cantilevers are joined.  For the Pont de Normandie, there was even thought of using active correctors if things threatened to get out of hand.  In fact, the construction went smoothly.
The cables are of high tensile steel.  In a few examples these are encased in concrete.  Towers are often made in concrete, though steel is also used.
4.2.1 Advantages of cable-stayed bridges
The two halves may be cantilevered out from each side.  There is no need for anchorages to sustain strong horizontal forces, because the spans are self-anchoring.  They can be cheaper than suspension bridges for a given span.  Many asymmetrical designs are possible.
4.2.2Disadvantages of cable-stayed bridges
In the longer sizes, the cantilevered halves are very susceptible to wind induced oscillation during construction.  The cables require careful treatment to protect them from corrosion.
4.3  Cantilever Bridges
In the arch and beam we saw that the bridges were supported at two places - the ends.  In fact, if you want to hold any object in position in two dimensions, you always need two points of attachment. In  three dimensions you need three points. Two-legged animals need feet in order to achieve stability in the three dimensions. This statement is not strictly true, because animals can balance using their muscles to change their position in response to perceived movement. Nevertheless, feet make the process easier.
A cantilever differs from the arch and the beam in that the attachment points are not necessarily at opposite ends. The cantilever is rather like a bracket, projecting out into space. The two forces almost always act in opposite directions. In the lower half of the first photograph, the oscillation in the wind is revealed by the longer exposure. Whenever there is both mass and elasticity, there are natural resonant frequencies. The second photograph shows a vertical cantilever deflecting in a wind, with oscillation in the right hand half of the picture.  
The diagrams below show two basic types of cantilever, though in fact the second includes the first - above the support pier, there are forces like those in the first example, holding the two arms together, as we see in the third diagram. The connection to the pier may be a hinge or a rigid support. The central cantilever pair of the Forth bridge has to be supported rigidly, because both cantilever ends are free. Almost all other cantilever bridges have only two pairs, each of which has a fixed, end, and therefore hinged supports are sufficient, except during construction.
As with the beam, the bending stresses and shear stresses vary throughout the structure.
Most cantilever bridges have two cantilevers, with a beam suspended between their free ends, like the example shown below, typical of many motorway bridges, usually built from reinforced concrete or pre-stressed concrete. The largest cantilever bridges are made of steel, though medium sized ones are sometimes in pre-stressed concrete. Ancient ones in Asia were made of wood.
The cantilevers can be maintained in position in two different ways. Firstly, they can be supported by pivots or hinges at the balance point, with the fixed end held in place at the abutment; secondly they can be supported at the balance point by a tower with a base so wide that no practical load can tip the structure. The central part of the Forth railway bridge is of the second type, which is why it has a wider tower than the outer parts. Most cantilevers are of the first type. In the first type there are two ways of holding the structure in position. One is to make the anchored span so heavy that no practical load at the free end can tip the structure. The other is to fix the anchored end to the ground. The outer ends of the Forth railway bridge are high up on masonry piers, which cannot withstand tension. The steel structures therefore have heavy weights attached, which hang down inside the piers. These weights are so heavy that the spans cannot be tipped by any likely load.
The longest cantilever span is the centre span of the Quebec bridge, in Canada, part of which is shown here.
4.3.1 Advantages of cantilevers
Building out from each end enables construction to be done with little disruption to navigation below. The span can be greater than that of a simple beam, because a beam can be added to the cantilever arms. Cantilever bridges are very common over roads.  Because the beam is resting simply on the arms, thermal expansion and ground movement are fairly simple to sustain. The supports can be simple piers, because there is no horizontal reaction. Cantilever arms are very rigid, because of their depth.
4.3.2 Disadvantages of cantilevers
Like beams, they maintain their shape by the opposition of large tensile and compressive forces, as well as shear, and are therefore relatively massive. Truss construction is used in the larger examples to reduce the weight.
4.4 Suspension Bridges
The cable of a suspension bridge is in tension, enabling it to be much narrower and cheaper than an arch of the same span.
With the deck high above the floppy cables, this looks unstable, and it is.  This construction can be used only for spans that are short enough for a stiff deck to transmit lateral forces to the anchorages.  Some early iron trusses were made like this, one advantage being the that the top chord of a truss is in compression, and has to be thick, and so it may as well carry the deck, especially for railways.  The Traversina footbridge in Switzerland was built like this, using wood among various other materials.
As we all know, the standard suspension bridge looks more like the picture below (showing one half only) with the attendant cost of the towers and anchorages.
The functions of the various parts are easy to understand.  
The towers hold the cable up.
The anchorages pull the cable outwards and downwards.  
The hangers connect the deck to the main cable.  
And the deck is there to carry the traffic.
The diagram below shows an anchorage that relies on its weight to hold the cable.  The moment of the weight about the toe must be greater than the moment of the pull of the cable about that same point.  The diagram includes the inequality.  The strands of the cable splay out from the saddle to a very large number of attachments into the concrete.  This type of anchorage may be used when the ground is not good enough for a buried anchorage.  In good rock, the saddle and the attachments are in a cavity in the ground.  The anchorages of the Clifton bridge are in tapering tunnels that are filled with masonry which acts as wedges.
The deck has also to possess enough local rigidity in bending and torsion to prevent undue flexure as vehicles pass.  Locally, around each vehicle, it acts as a beam with rather diffuse supports, namely the hangers for some distance in each direction.  This same rigidity must be sufficient to help in the task of preventing undesirable amplitudes of oscillation.  Some hangers are provided with small devices that help to damp oscillations in them.
Before the invention of steel, many suspension bridges were based on wrought iron eye-bars, resting on masonry towers.  The invention of the steel wire cable, spun in place, changed everything.  Though the great Brooklyn bridge had masonry towers, steel became the normal material for a long period, until concrete became a popular alternative.  The Humber bridge, one of the longest, has towers of concrete.  Decks are almost always made of steel, usually in the form of a steel truss or an aerodynamic box girder, which can be much lighter than a truss.

4.4.1 Advantages of suspension bridges
The main sustaining members, the cables or chains, are purely in tension, and are not required to be rigid, so they can be only as thick as needed to resist the tension.  The towers are almost purely in compression, so their design is  relatively simple.
4.4.2 Disadvantages of suspension bridges
They are only as rigid as the deck structure, which in older structures was usually of truss construction.  This makes them generally unsuitable for railway traffic.  Great attention is required in the design stage to deal with aerodynamic loads and, in the smaller sizes, periodic loads applied by pedestrians.  During construction, the cables and towers may be susceptible to wind induced oscillations.  The anchorages must sustain very strong horizontal forces as well as vertical ones.  Constructing the cables or chains across the gap can be a lengthy process.
4.4.3 Functions of the Parts
The towers hold up the cables.  They have to be rigid enough to act as struts between the downward forces from the cables and the upward forces from the foundations.  But modern cables are fixed to the towers at the saddles: there is no sliding.  So the towers have to be flexible enough to allow for changes in length due to live loads and temperature.
The anchorages have to hold the ends of the cables against the enormous tension, either by sheer weight, or by taking the tension into the ground.  At the time of construction, they have to include means of adjusting each strand to the correct tension.
The cables hold up the deck and the traffic, via the hangers or suspenders.  They have to be strong enough to do this without undue stretching.  They have to withstand vibration and be resistant to corrosion and wind-borne dust.
The deck has to be as light as possible, but rigid enough to prevent a dip as each vehicle passes.  It is very difficult to make a suspension deck stiff enough so that a railway locomotive doesn't spend the whole crossing in trying to climb out of a valley.  The deck must also be stable in winds of any possible direction and magnitude, whether steady or gusting.
4.5 Truss bridge
A truss bridge is a bridge composed of connected elements (typically straight) which may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The basic types of truss bridges shown in this article have simple designs which could be easily analyzed by nineteenth and early twentieth century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct owing to its efficient use of materials.

4.5.1 The integral members of a truss bridge
The nature of a truss allows for the analysis of the structure using a few assumptions and the application of Newton's laws of motion according to branch of physics known as statics. For purposes of analysis, trusses are assumed to be pin jointed where the straight components meet. This assumption means that members of the truss (chords, verticals and diagonals) will act only in tension or compression. A more complex analysis is required where rigid joints impose significant bending loads upon the elements, as in a Vierendeel truss.
In the bridge illustrated in the infobox at the top, vertical members are in tension, lower horizontal members in tension, shear, and bending, outer diagonal and top members are in compression, while the inner diagonals are in tension. The central vertical member stabilizes the upper compression member, preventing it from buckling. If the top member is sufficiently stiff then this vertical element may be eliminated. If the lower chord (a horizontal member of a truss) is sufficiently resistant to bending and shear, the outer vertical elements may be eliminated, but with additional strength added to other members in compensation. The ability to distribute the forces in various ways has led to a large variety of truss bridge types. Some types may be more advantageous when wood is employed for compression elements while other types may be easier to erect in particular site conditions, or when the balance between labor, machinery and material costs have certain

4.6 Beam bridges
A beam or "girder" bridge is the simplest kind of bridge. In the past they may have taken the form of a log across a stream but today they are more familiar to us large box steel girder bridges. There are lots of different types of beam bridges.

A beam bridge needs to be stiff. It needs to resist twisting and bending under load.
In its most basic form, a beam bridge consists of a horizontal beam that is supported at each end by piers. The weight of the beam pushes straight down on the piers.
Under load, the beam's top surface is pushed down or compressed while the bottom edge is stretched or placed under tension. If we imagine that there is an imaginary line running down the centre of the beam this line remains at its original length while the material above is compressed and the material below is stretched.
The farther apart its supports, the weaker a beam bridge gets. As a result, beam bridges rarely span more than 250 feet. This doesn't mean beam bridges aren't used to cross great distances it only means that there may be a series of beam bridges joined together, creating what's known as a "continuous span."

4.6.1Types of Beam Bridges
A Large Box Girder Bridge

Image of a Beam Bridge


Beams used in buildings may vary in cross sectional shape. Some may be solid or hollow. Below are three different shaped beams. The first beam is a box section, the second an I section beam and the third an L section beam. Solid beams are heavier than hollow beams. Beams like the one's below are given a special cross section for strength and rigidity. They may be as strong as the solid beams but are a lot lighter.
The inclusion of the elements shown is largely an engineering decision based upon economics, being a balance between the costs of raw materials, off-site fabrication, component transportation, on-site erection, the availability of machinery and the cost of labor. In other cases the appearance of the structure may take on greater importance and so influence the design decisions beyond mere matters of economics. Modern materials such as prestressed concrete and fabrication methods, such as automated welding, and the changing price of steel relative to that of labor have significant.
5. Conclusion
Bridge at the time was built with more modern technology. bridge which was built not only has strong endurance, and equipment also has a beautiful architectural value. Each type of bridge has its own advantages and disadvantages. Because each bridge is built with materials and different costs.
The main types of bridges are arches, beam bridges, cable-stayed bridges, cantilever bridges and suspension bridges. You will have noticed that this list does not include truss bridges. These are usually arches, beams or girders, or cantilevers, or they may be parts of bridges, for example the suspended span of a cantilever bridge, or the deck of a cable-stayed bridge or a suspension bridge. The phrase "truss bridge", however, is sometimes reserved for those which act primarily as beams, while the others are discussed under the heading of the bridges of which they form a part. You could say that a truss, like a box-girder or a pre-stressed span, is more a type of construction than a type of structure.
